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You've heard the terms--traditional publishing, self-publishing, independent publishing, hybrid publishing, vanity publishing--but what do they mean?
What does it cost? How do you choose? Do you get to choose? Do you need an agent? How do you find one? Is the guy interested in publishing your book and selling the idea to Hollywood legitimate?
Myra Levine, Writer & Writing Coach, started out with one mission—to focus on the craft of writing and offer a combination of free help and paid one-on-one coaching. But she found out that a friend had paid $5,000 to have a short book published on Amazon, and, years later, was still trying to sell the copies she had purchased as part of the “deal.” So Myra added another mission—to make sure her people understood how various forms of publishing work and prevent scammers from taking advantage of the dreams of her writers.
Myra will cover: